Health – and cure vacations in Gastein

Healing from the nature


Gastein valley has always been known as a health resort and fountain of youth. The Gastein cure stands for highest health competence in the Alps. In no other place in the world radon therapy is so diversely offered as in Gastein. The Gasteiner cure is based on three pillars: the Gasteiner Heilstollen, the thermal water and the vapour bath. The healing success is positively enhanced due to the altitude of the Gastein spa region. 90 percent of patients benefit from the positive effects of the radon. As cure and health partner, we offer special treatment packages and will assist you in planning your stay.

The three forms of the Gastein cure

Gasteiner Heilstollen

Due to the specific combination of radon, warmth and high humidity he Gasteiner Heilstollen is unique worldwide. Several research studies have shown that approx. 90 percent of patients benefit from the positive effects of pain alleviation, reduction in need for medicaments, reduction of inflammation and stabilization of immune system. Depending on the severity and scale of your conditions 2-3 sessions are possible per week. The therapy sessions are divided into 5 stations. Heat: (37 ° to 41.5 °) and humidity (70 to 100%).

Gastein thermal water

Enjoy the beneficial effects of the thermal water which is enriched with natural radon and weakly mineralized. When taken as a part of a cure it is thoroughly positive for the body. The radon inert gas escapes from the thermal water and enters the body through the respiratory tract and the skin. The defense mechanism in the organism is stimulated and the natural warmth fosters circulation. Due to the altitude of the Gastein the healing success is positively enhanced. Classical therapy forms are the radon underwater therapy and the radon thermal bath.

Radon thermal vapour bath

A speciality of Bad Gastein is the radon thermal-vapour bath in the town center. The first vapour bath was constructed in 1794. The thermal-water vapour comes directly from the Quelle IX cave (Elisabeth spring) led directly from a shaft system to the box baths. One session takes approx. 20 minutes during the cure patient is sitting in the spring vapour. It is especially suitable for persons with limited resilience. The bath temperature (32.5°C – 41.5°C and the bath duration can be adapted to the individual needs of everyone.

Additional therapies & therapy courses

Aside from the three classical forms of the Gastein cure a number of passive and active additional therapies are offered. Further therapy courses are offered whose aim are that guests get more knowledge about dealing with their disease.

Healing massages
Thermal exercise bath
Radon thermal-underwater therapy
Medicinal moor packs
Thermal inhalation

Gastein cure vapour bath © Alpentherme Gastein
Entrance to the Heilstollen gallery © Gasteiner Heilstollen

Therapeutic indications

Diseases of the skin (Neurodermatitis, slow-healing wounds, Psoriasis vulgaris, …)
Diseases affecting the locomotor apparatus (Rheumatoid Arthritis, Arthroses, Osteoporosis pain, …)
Respiratory illnesses (chron. bronchitis, Bronichal Asthma, Hay fever, …)
Premenopausal and menopausal complaints – Geroprophylaxis

Cure information

Cure duration: The Gasteiner cure packages offer for every case in question a choice of suitable therapy possibilities. Introductory and prevention packages lasting 1 week. Indication cure packages lasting between 2 and 3 weeks. Especially patients with severe rheumatic diseases should include more time in order to achieve sustainable relief of symptoms.

Cure booking: Appointments for applications are reserved for you already when booking. Coordination takes place through Appartement Gassner as member of the Gastein health partners. According to your cure plan treatments take place in the Gasteiner Heilstollen or in one of the modern and professional public spa- and therapy centers in Gastein.

Health- and cure packages

We offer attractive packages for your cure- and health vacation: you want to do something for your general state of health or you want to get know the Gastein cure? You want refresh or to strengthen your last treatment? You have one of the indicated diseases for which the Gastein cure is particularly beneficial? As a member of the cure and health partners Gastein, we support you in coordinating and booking the desired or prescribed therapeutic appointments. All cure guest get a bathrobe free of charge as well as extra towels for your entire stay.

To the packages

Bathrobe service for cure guests

Introductory and Ski & relax session


Every Tuesday and Thursday from 07.01. – 24.11.2020
Meets: 2.30 pm at the Gasteiner Heilstollen – Ends at approx. 5.00 pm
Included: medical Check, introduction video about the Heilstollen radon therapy,
30 min. session in the healing galleries of the Heilstollen , drink after the session,
discount for 3 further sessions

€ 27,60 with the Gastein card

€ 33,- without the Gastein card
Reservation required!

Fancy a vacation?

Inclusive free entry to the Alpentherme Gastein!